Military Records

About the Indexes

Civil War Veteran Census Index (1885-1905)

This index contains a listing of Monroe County Civil War Veterans who either served in Wisconsin organizations (ie. regiments) or of other states living in Monroe County. Census years include: 1885, 1890, 1895, 1905.

Census Entry Copy Service:

The Monroe County Local History Room will provide copies of census entries for particular veterans indexed in the database for a nominal fee ($5.00 per page). Simply find your person in the index, and click on “Add Census Record to Cart.” All census entries you wish copies of will be added to a Shopping Cart. To submit your request, print off your Order Form and mail payment to our address.

NOTE: We will not send copies of Census entries requested over email or requests lacking prepayment.

Wisconsin National Guard Lists of Persons Liable for Military Duty from Monroe County, Autumn, 1862

This index contains nearly 2000 names of men living in Monroe County in 1862. These lists contain the names, age, occupation and marital status of men available for military service during the Civil War era. 

Document Copying Service:

The Monroe County Local History Room will provide copies of pages from the Civil War Duty list for a nominal fee ($5.00 per item). Simply find your person in the index, click on “Get Copy of Record.” All requested records will be added to a Shopping Cart.

NOTE: We will not send copies requested over email or requests lacking prepayment.

Monroe County World War I Draft Registration Card Index

This database is an index of Monroe County males who registered for the draft during World War I. Researchers can now search the index to discover if a family member registered for the draft between 1917 and 1918. Shortly after the U. S. declared war on Germany during World War I, the Selective Service Act was passed on May 18, 1917, requiring every male living in the U. S. between the ages of 18 and 45 to register for the draft.

While a large number of those who registered for the draft did not end up serving in the military, the records still contain valuable (and often overlooked) information for genealogists. Since the information on the Draft Registration Card was given directly by the individual in question, it is often more reliable than that found in censuses, obituaries, death records, and others whose information was provided second or third hand by a spouse or child.

Not only does the World War I Draft Registration Card list basic information like name, age, birth date, and place of residence, but it will also include birthplace, citizenship status, occupation and employer, marital status, race, and dependent information. The birthplace listed can be of particular importance for finding out where a family came from. Additionally, a Draft Registration Card will provide the registrant’s signature, physical description, and disabilities when applicable. The description can be of particular interest when a photograph is lacking for an individual. Draft registrations taken later in 1917 and 1918 will also list the name and address of the nearest relative—often a parent or spouse—and some will include the father’s birthplace as well.

Record Copy Service:

The Monroe County Local History Room will provide a copy of the WWI Draft Registration Card for a nominal fee ($5.00 per record). Simply click on "Get Copy of Record" and the name of the person for whom you are requesting a record will be added to the "shopping cart."


Monroe County World War I Army Transport Service Index (1918-1920)

This database is an index of Monroe County servicemen who traveled overseas during World War I. During the war, the Army Transport Service retained passenger lists of military personnel, nurses, and other individuals who traveled aboard their ships. The names of deceased veterans whose bodies were being returned home for burial were also included. Researchers can search the index to discover if a family member served overseas during World War I, when and where they arrived and departed, and what unit they may have been with. Some of the information included in the records include: service member’s name, rank, unit, next of kin with relationship, and residence; departure and arrival dates and ports; and ship name. Some records are more complete than others.

Record Copy Service:

The Monroe County Local History Room will provide a copy of the WWI Army Transport Service Record for a nominal fee ($5.00 per record). Simply click on “Get Copy of Record” and the name of the person for whom you are requesting a record will be added to the “shopping cart.”

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