Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Contribute to the History Room’s future by planning for a special gift, such as a bequest in your Will or Trust, or through a Charitable Gift Annuity. There are many planned giving options available which can benefit you and the History Room:

  • Naming MCLHR as beneficiary on IRAs, retirement plans, and life insurance can provide tax benefits today, while protecting your assets from long-term healthcare costs in the future
  • Monetary contributions to MCLHR are 100% tax deductible
  • Donation of real estate or stocks provides a deduction for the full market value
  • Working with MCLHR, you can sell appreciated real estate, reduce or eliminate your taxes entirely, and keep almost all of the proceeds from the land sale

To discuss these very special giving opportunities, please contact Jarrod Roll at the Local History Room: 608-269-8680 or