Institutional Records

About the Indexes

Monroe County Poor Farm/Asylum Index (1884-1953)

This index was drawn from the data contained in 3 volumes donated to the Monroe County Local History Room. The "Register of Inmates of Poor House Monroe County" is a year by year roster of Poor Farm residents from its opening on what is now the grounds of the Rolling Hills Rehabilitation Center in Sparta, Wisconsin on November 1, 1898 through April 24, 1937. The "Record of Inmates of the Monroe County Insane Asylum" is a chronological listing of patient records from the Opening of the Asylum in late March of 1903 through May of 1933. The "Index of Patients Monroe County Asylum" is an alphabetical collection of patient records from the 1903 Asylum opening until the early 1950s.

The data compiled in this index are: First and Last Names, Age, Admission date, Residence (at time of admission), Departure and Page number (in the chronological volumes). Departure include discharge, death transfer, parole and escape (also called “elopement”). In many cases age, residence and departure are not recorded. In the latter case "no discharge entered" will appear in the "Departure" field.

Record Copy Service: 

The Monroe County Local History Room will provide a copy of the poor farm/asylum record page listing the information of a given individual for a nominal fee ($5.00 per record). Simply click on "Get Copy of Record" and the name of the person for whom you are requesting a poor farm/asylum record will be added to the "shopping cart."

Monroe County Jail Register Index (1873-1960)

This database is an index of names and accompanying information listed within the Monroe County Jail Registers (1873-1960). Not all of the information recorded in the jail registers is listed in this index. Information in the original record may include: name, age, birthplace, residence, occupation, offense, sentence, fine, dates of admission and discharge, how discharged, previous criminal or medical history, physical description, boarding fee cost and number of meals served, and other remarks. 

This index was transcribed from the original, handwritten jail registers. Much of the handwriting was difficult to read or had spelling errors. The jail clerk recorded the information has he was told by the incarcerated individual, so several instances occur where answers to birthplace or residence appear as "Anywhere", "Any old place", "God knows", etc. Every effort was taken to transcribe accurately. However, there will be inevitable errors. Be sure to consider multiple spelling variations for the surname in which you are interested (eg. Miller, Miler, Mueller, Meller, etc.).

Jail Register Copy Service:

The Monroe County Local History Room will provide a copy of the jail register pages listing the information of a given individual for a nominal fee ($5.00 per record). Simply click on "Get Copy of Record" and the name of the person for whom you are requesting a jail register will be added to the "shopping cart."

Monroe County Dependent (DDD) Population Census Index (1880)

This database is an index of 140 names and accompanying information listed on the supplemental Schedule of Defective, Dependent, and Delinquent Classes (DDD) from the 1880 US Federal Census for Monroe County. The schedule included different forms for listing the following classes of individuals at the time: Insane, Idiots, Deaf-mutes, Blind, Paupers and Indigent persons, Homeless children, and Prisoners. The index does include individuals residing at the time at the Monroe County Poor Farm located in Adrian Township and the St. Francis Orphan Asylum for Girls in Sparta. Besides an individual’s name and classification, additional information may include the following: residence (at time of census and before institutionalization), race, gender, age, medical history, and when and where institutionalized if applicable.

These indexes were transcribed off microfilm from the original, handwritten DDD Census Schedule. Much of the handwriting was difficult to read or illegible, but every effort was taken to transcribe accurately. However, there will be inevitable errors. Sometimes the Census Taker seemed to have spelled out last names phonetically as he heard them. Be sure to consider multiple spelling variations for the surname in which you are interested (eg. Miller, Miler, Mueller, Meller, etc.). Also note that some of the terminology used to describe certain populations in 1880 is not the same as considered appropriate today and is only used now for the purpose of accurate indexing of an original document.

Record Copy Service:

The Monroe County Local History Room will provide a copy of the DDD Census Schedule record page listing the information of a given individual for a nominal fee ($5.00 per record). Simply click on "Get Copy of Record" and the name of the person for whom you are requesting a DDD Census Schedule record will be added to the "shopping cart."

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