A Travel Through Time

"A Day in the Life of a Kid in 1880"

Topics: Childhood; Rural Life; Social History
Suggested Grade Level: 1-3
Required Time: 45-90 minutes



Students will place themselves into the life of a child living in rural Monroe County, WI in 1880. Through hands-on activities, students experience childhood of the past by performing chores, going to school, playing games, and engaging in other 19th century-appropriate activities.


  • Compare and contrast students' lives today with the lives of children in 1880
  • Identify technological and cultural differences in 1880 from today through photographs, objects, discussions, and activities
  • Relate to rural life in Monroe County, WI during the late 19th century

Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies related to the program:

  • SS.BH2:  Wisconsin students will investigate and interpret interactions between individuals and groups.
  • SS.BH3:  Wisconsin students will assess the role that human behavior and cultures play in the development of social endeavors.
  • SS.BH4:  Wisconsin students will examine the progression of specific forms of technology and their influence within various societies.
  • SS.Geog2:  Wisconsin students will analyze human movement and population patterns.
  • SS.Geog3:  Wisconsin students will examine the impacts of global interconnections and relationships.
  • SS.Geog4:  Wisconsin students will evaluate the relationship between identity and place.
  • SS.Geog5:  Wisconsin students will evaluate the relationship between humans and the environment.
  • SS.Hist2:  Wisconsin students will analyze, recognize, and evaluate patterns of continuity and change over time and contextualization of historical events.
  • SS.Hist3:  Wisconsin students will connect past events, people, and ideas to the present; use different perspectives to draw conclusions; and suggest current implications.